Things are really, really good!

First off- many thanks to those of you who have reached out over the past couple of months regarding my living situation.
Incredible the amount of generousity and kindness that I got to experience. The good really does come with the bad. Not all reactions were positive, understandably so as everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion. I chose to share a personal experience, raw and in the moment. Like most moments, it was a learning experience, and a big one.
I am beyond thankful (and a bit wiser, so I think!) for this roller coaster I’ve been riding over the past few months.
Luckily, the roller coaster has stopped and it left me in the most dashing of places!
After the quilmbo of Silvina, Ticol and I grabbed our already packed bags and headed to Barrio Norte to a friend’s vacant place. Our friends had just moved, their place was available, and I was desperate. I have a hard time accepting anything from anybody, I prefer to earn it myself. However I told myself to just stop and accept this kind offer. That’s what friends do, right? Help each other out? We stayed for three weeks, explored the new area and ate loads of amazing Italian from La Locanda.
Can I just take a moment and thank P&S from the bottom of my heart. Y’all gave me a moment of silence to recharge for the apartment search as well as the most amazing view and a dash of luxury that I was oh so needing. I will never forget your kindness and will 100% pay it forward.
We continued the search and found a place that we absolutely loved. Many people were interested in renting the beautiful pehache with a proper backyard and the owner told us he’d be picking the lucky candidate on Saturday, and to ring him then. Patience at it’s finest.
Saturday arrives, we call, we are the chosen ones! Papers are drawn out, however this time I don’t get emotionally invested. Brain conquers heart this go around. A couple of days later we get an email- Sorry, you’ve been denied.
Here we go again….
Ticol and I are on the balcony in barrio norte feeling defeated.
What next, says Ticol?
WE KEEP PUSHING. That’s whats next. We’re soldiers, we don’t give up.
We drowned our sorrows in more pasta from La Locanda. (Seriously go, especially for lunch, they have amazing lunch deals).
By chance I had off three nights at work and asked Ticol if I could escape to Mendoza by myself for a moment of silence. I needed to turn off my brain, be around no one, and just be in the nature. He agreed, I bought a last minute ticket a few days prior to leaving, grabbed a bikini, a few books and fled. Randomly my girlfriend was going to Mendoza for a part of my stay which I found out the day before leaving. That wound up being a blessing in disguise as it was nice to be around positive energy verses sulking in my defeat.
The trip was tranqui, colorful, minimal drinking (Mendoza = wine country), and silent. Exactly what I needed to get back on my feet before returning to capital
Back in the city we saw more apartments, none of which fit the bill.
Then we see a place online and grabbed the phone.
‘We can see it tomorrow at noon.’ Ticol relays the message.
‘No. Today!’ I respond.
‘Hoy es posible? Tenemos muchas ganas a verlo hoy.’
‘No, mañana.’
‘NO, HOY.’
‘Dale, veni hoy a las 17 horas.’
I head to work, Ticol checks out the place and he swings by Nola afterwards saying he put a deposit down and that we can go back tomorrow and see it together.
Two weeks later we moved in!!!!
We grabbed Momo, gathered all of our belongings from old apartment, temp apartment, Nola and finally unpacked our bags for good.
I’m falling more in love every day with the apartment. It has this urban jungle feel, amazing floors, high ceilings and loads of natural light. Our neighbor has a massive backyard filled with tall trees and all the green just pours into the long hallway. The bathroom has a tub and the terraza is everything.
And as many of you predicted, yes it’s better than the original place. Everything does happen for a reason.
We’re still getting settled and have been living without a refrigerator for over a week now. Sucks, but I’ll take it, I’ve got Momo back!
I’ve happily done countless loads of laundry in our new eco washer machine, my favorite house chore.
Every time Ticol hits the street for errands he comes back with a new plant for the terraza. So cute.
Dad’s coming to visit in December and he’s oh so kindly offered to bring me a few things, including new sheets and a couple of small things from Ikea!
Pepe aka Jose is now head chef at NOLA which is freeing up some of time to enjoy the new space. (Follow him on Instagram for new daily specials!)
Momo, Momo, Momo.
Earlier in the week we went to mercado de las pulgas and bought a beautiful antique mirror and nightstands for the bedroom.
We’re still unsure of what we’ll do with the second bedroom, but we’ll figure it out with time. Refrigeration trumps all at the moment!
I’m so happy. So so happy.
I’ve been doing my happy dance all over our new neighborhood.
Speaking of, the neighborhood! We’re in Hollywood, surrounded by friends and new cafes and restaurants that we’ve never stepped foot in.
I love change.
Life, you threw me a curveball, it hurt like hell but I recovered.
Thanks for the lesson, truly.