Creole salad

A GREAT salad is impossible to find in BA. Es re loco para mi.
The Bolivian verdulerias have a massive variety of leafy greens and the prices ROCK. The shelves regularly host bibb, red leaf, curly endive, and arugula, however most Argentines stick with iceberg, tomato, and onion salads.
This is crazy!
I have developed a slight obsession with lechuga francesa aka green leaf lettuce. The silky texture and not so bitter curly leaves make it my go-to leafy green in Buenos Aires.
Did I mention it cost about 1.25 peso (30¢) for a grande bunch?? Being a vegetarian could be very affordable here…
I like simplicity when it comes to salads. Don’t get me wrong, I can get down on a big bowl of veggie/fruit/seed deliciousness but I like to focus on the hojas aka leaves.
Most leafy greens are packed with minerals and vitamins that help the mind and body maintain a balanced way of living.
The high content of fat-soluble vitamin K allows you to cook the greens without loosing it’s nutritional value in addition to aiding with blood circulation and bone strength.
Eating leafy greens as opposed to drinking milk for your daily calcium intake will be much more beneficial to your body. The amount of protein in cow’s milk is too intense for our human bodies and is a terrible theory to promote bone health.
In addition to vitamin K and calcium, greens regulate inflammation, help protect our cells from damage and are great for diabetics for their low carb content. Eat your greens.
This specific salad dressing is intended for those whose mouth and stomach can handle pimienta aka pepper. Creole mustard has a strong kick to it and makes for a great marinade or salsa. I tend to focus on citrus as opposed to the staple oil & vinegar for maximum flavor and freshness.
Creole Dressing
- 1-2 spoons of creole mustard
- half a lemon, more or less depending on preference
- green onion sliced thin aka verdeo cortado fino
- salt & pepper
Mix ingredients together and adjust if necessary. Don’t use too much lemon or you may overpower the mustard. ALSO, you can add some honey and balance out the spiciness, OR some apple vinegar if you prefer it more tart. The possibilities are endless….
In a large mixing bowl add your cut leafs and whichever veggies you prefer. Pour the dressing along the inside rim of the bowl and toss to coat. Serve immediately. Don’t dress your salad too early or your leaves will turn to mush!
Why I ♥ salad
- Diversity
- Convenient- no cooking or fancy equipment necessary
- Help with digestion- the more veggies and less meat you eat your body doesn’t have to waste so much energy breaking down tough foods
- Great for inflammation & circulation
- Rich in calcium & vitamin K